Time to sit back and unwind…. (or something like that).
So let’s start with the obvious but HELLO neglected blog! Im surprised I even remembered my password to get into this thing. Now that it’s the Summer I am going to have so much more free time to get back into blogging…riiiiight! Since I know that’s the furthest thing from the truth I wanted to at least get some photos up here to share how we’ve been kicking off the end of the school year and going full speed into Summer mode.
I’m really excited to have both my boys home with me all day. Granted we drive each other nuts a good portion of the time, I just love the carefree spirit that comes with the next two months. We can come and go as we please, not feel rushed to start the day, and can plan lots of fun adventures in the sand and sun!
We have already had an amazing past few days. My eyes are heavy from the sunshine and salt water, my skin is toasty, and my hair smells like the beach. I also still feel like I am rocking on a boat (photos to come). Going to put some photos up, head straight to bed, and try and start our new routine bright-eyed and bushy-tailed come tomorrow morning.
If you don’t hear from me again for awhile you know where to find me…. @heylaurenrene @laurenrenefitness
Cheers to the Summer!!!
Thursday- June 18, 2015
Nathan’s last day of school and an evening swim after lessons
Friday- June 19th, 2015
Spent the entire day at the pool, home for naps, then the boys head to Parent’s Night Out at school so Mommy and Daddy can have a date night with friends.
Saturday- June 20th, 2015
Got in an early morning workout, spent the day at the pool with my boys, home to relax and have movie night under the stars. Nathan and Shane got to watch E.T. for the first time.
Sunday- June 21st, 2015
Celebrated FATHER’S DAY! Ordered an amazing brunch from Cinnamon Productions, headed to Dana Point harbor, and hopped on our very own Pontoon party boat for the day with our friends. Danced, ate, swam, saw sea lions, collected crabs and made lots of amazing memories.

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