Nathan has been a broken record the last week asking me to make our own play dough. I think this was an activity they did at school last week and obviously he thought it was so cool that he became OBSESSED over it. He knows I look up how to do things on YouTube so he’s been constantly shoving the iPad in my face asking me to look up instructions on how to make it. Yesterday was his lucky day.
We headed out to the store and got the following ingredients: Flour, Vegetable oil, Salt, Cream of tartar and Kool-aid packs in various colors
Here is the simple recipe we followed:
- 1-2 packets Kool-Aid
- 1 cup flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1 cup boiling water
In a large bowl, add all dry ingredients and mix well (salt, flour, cream of tartar, Kool-Aid). Then add the oil and boiling water to the dry ingredients and mix this with a large spoon until it becomes very firm. It should be cool enough to handle after a few minutes of stirring. Lay out some wax paper and flour for the last step. Use your hands and roll it in some more flour if it feels too sticky.
I pre-measured all the ingredients and put them on the table for Nathan so he could be the little mixologist. He thought this part was really cool…that way he could tell Daddy he “made it all by himself”. (Mommy added in the boiling water though!)
The Kool-aid is the best part. It makes the dough smell really yummy…so yummy that Shane took a little nibble and was definitely shocked by how much salt was in it. At least he won’t be doing that again! I was so surprised by how awesome the texture of this play dough was….it really felt like the real thing but smelled so much better.
We took out cookie cutters, Legos, and other utensils and the boys each took a huge ball of play dough and went to town! I think they had a piece of the dough in their hands at any given point of the day. I could see why Nathan thought this was so cool at school and wanted to recreate the fun at home. We sealed up the play dough in Tupperware containers and popped them into the fridge. I read they should keep for a long time this way. If not, we will gladly have fun making some more!
Such a simple activity that kept the boys busy for hours and obviously put a smile of their faces. Great idea Nathan!
Totally going to try this. Looks like so much fun – great job N!
I swear we make this stuff like every weekend! My kids can’t get enough of it. They’re happy and quiet and I’m happy and loving it!