It’s been a crazy last 2 weeks in our household. I wish I could say we were too busy having fun, but unfortunately this germ-infested winter hit our boys hard and knocked us off our feet for awhile. They both started with a mild cough and cold, and before you knew it fevers were up to 104, there was pneumonia, RSV, ear infections and too many sleepless nights and trips to Urgent Care that it hurts my heart to think about it again. I’m so happy to report that these two are back to their smiley selves again.
We are just now getting back on track and trying to resume our normal weekly routine. Of course part of this routine is Nathan heading back to school, where the only things he and his classmates willingly share are their germs. Since wrapping my boys up in bubble wrap, and keeping them in isolation isn’t an option….I’ve been looking into things I can do to try and keep them as healthy as possible.
In talking to my friend Mckenzie the other day, I came to find out we were living parallel lives just a few states apart. Her two children were sick with the identical thing my boys had and is also looking for ways to clean up her family’s diet and help boost their immune systems. She has eliminated dairy from their diets, which we have also done (not by choice, the kids have never liked milk. Since our pediatrician doesn’t push cow’s milk either this was a battle I would let them win). She has also been working hard at eliminating sugar from their diets as well. Her aunt is a nurse and recommended an awesome immunity boosting oatmeal recipe that I wanted to share that excludes both sugar and dairy. I made a huge batch this weekend and so far it’s been a great way to start our day!
You will need:
· 4 cups rolled organic oats
· 2 cups oat bran
· 1 cup sunflower seeds
· 1 cup raw unsalted nuts, chopped ( I use the almond slivers)
· 1 cup lecithin granules (if you can’t find that is ok)
· 1 cup ground flaxseeds
Mix all the ingredients together and grind well in a blender. I took this mixture and put it into a large Tupperware container to store in our pantry (this amount will last you a long time!) I spoon out about two tablespoons into a bowl. I add un-sweetened almond milk, mix well, and microwave for about 45 seconds. For sweetness I sprinkle on a little bit of cinnamon and add some sliced fruit. Bananas add the perfect amount of natural sweetness.
Mckenzie’s aunt says: “It must be eaten 4 times a week for the effects to be noticeable. People who use it regularly notice an enhanced immune response and fewer allergic reactions, as well as improved digestion. They often report increased energy and stabilized blood sugars. It also is instrumental in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. High fiber diets have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of colon cancer.”
Since I had these items on hand and have enough oatmeal mixture made to last months, I thought I would whip up some super easy “cookies” with some of the same ingredients. If your kids aren’t quite sure of the oatmeal texture to start, I bet you could fool them with some of these:
You will need:
– Two ripe bananas – 1 cup rolled oats – 1/4 cup flaxseed – 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
Mush all the ingredients together and scoop out onto lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.
Yes, I cheated a little here and added chocolate chips but these would be good without them. You could also add cinnamon and raisins for more of an oatmeal cookie flavoring.
My husband was in love with these. He described them as “Cliff bars but so much better” (and WAY better for you!). These were incredibly simple to make, and an awesome breakfast on the go! Looking forward to discovering more simple solutions to eating cleaner and healthier! Hoping the rest of this winter takes it easier on us!
*On a side note- since I last posted my results on the Advocare 24 day challenge I have lost another 5 lbs. That is 15 lbs total since the new year! The above recipes are totally approved of for those of you who are also trying this challenge (well everything but those chocolate chips ha ha). Enjoy!!

Lauren, this looks great! I’m excited to try your recipes (I struggle with variety). I would love to put you on my blog roll so that others can find you! Best of luck,
Thank you so much Renee! I just saw your blog…I love it!!! I really need to get a reader set up on my ipad so I can add all my favorite blogs. I’m still trying to get the hang of all of this!
I hope you’re doing well!!
Try Flipboard. It’s awesome and it’s free!