It’s been awhile since I have done a Treat Yourself Tuesday post so I am going to start off this week by treating myself to that. I have always looked forward to linking up with Becky over at Olives ‘n Wine for this weekly post because it’s such a great reminder to take some guilt-free time for ourselves, or to spoil ourselves with a few of our favorite things. Sometimes the simplest gesture towards yourself can make all the difference in your attitude for the day!
Here are a few ways I brought a smile to my face this past week….
I don’t know why I had to get one of these the instant I saw it on They were only $9.99 including customization and I just thought it was so cute. Totally unnecessary but that’s why it’s the perfect treat
Have you guys heard of Younique 3-D mascara? It seems to be all the rage these days and I had to treat myself to some. I have NO eyelashes…like none! So if this worked for me I swore to be a user for life. Well here I am to share that I am completely obsessed with this product. All you have to do it put on your regular mascara, then put on their gel mascara, then brush on some of their fiber mascara that clings to your existing lashes, and then add another gel coat to set it. I can’t even believe what a difference this makes. The first photo is me with nothing on, the second is with regular mascara and the third is with my 3-D mascara. It stays on all day, during workouts, in the water, and comes off easily with eye makeup remover. L O V E
Speaking of a good deal did any of you catch 75% off Yankee Candle sale? I got all of these large jars for $10 each! The only problem is every time I go to light a candle Shane wants to blow it out like a birthday candle. If this is the case these candles are going to last me forever!
As you can see from the scents I chose, I am totally in Summer mode over here! And the way I like to kick of Summer every year is with one of these! I can’t even look at this photo without wanting to run out an get another one.
There is another refreshing Summer treat on my list this year and that is GREEN APPLE SPARK!! AdvoCare just released this new flavor in brilliant to-go packets and I am in love!! They are still saying it is a limited time only flavor, so I stocked up! 3:oo pm aka Spark-thirty is my favorite afternoon treat!
With all this talk of Summer my friend Courtney and I have been talking about doing some Mommy time adventures like stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking. Well we made one of those happen this past weekend and had such a good time. We originally wanted to make this a girls’ outing but we couldn’t help but take the kids along for the ride…it was too much fun!
Last but not least and probably the biggest treat of all…this mama joined Lifetime Fitness! I needed a solution to wanting more flexibility in my workout schedule, having some Summer activities for the kids and finding a way to get work done. Well this place provides all three for me….and makes you feel like you are at a 5 star resort while doing so. You see that photo of that cozy lounge? Yeah…that’s in the women’s locker room!! I’m already imagining myself getting in a workout while the kids take karate, art, Spanish or yoga classes….getting some work done after…and then scooping them up for some time at the pool together. If you can’t find me this Summer you know where I will be.
I’ve missed you Treat Yourself Tuesday, and I hope to be participating more because I love this weekly reminder to find a little time for ME. I hope you have been inspired to do the same. No treat is too little or too big when it comes to putting a smile on your face! Have a great week and may it be filled with lots of these moments!

Oo fun! Lauren, have you ever heard of Scentsy? It’s wickless candles (wax is warmed thru a lightbulb). It’s completely safe and nontoxic and No fire hazard!! Let me know if you are interested in hearing more. I can always send you some samples!!
Wow, that Lifetime Fitness looks incredible! I was a member of one in Minneapolis and I loved it. What a great treat! Also, my next Advo check is going toward that mascara. I’m a sucker for good mascara reviews!
The pictures of your gym just made me want to join one – and I HATE gyms. But that?! Wow. I’m especially enticed by the water slide. How fun.
Wow that gym looks fabulous, puts mine to shame haha! I have been seeing that mascara everywhere, I’m pretty sure I need to try it! I can’t believe that cutting board was only $9.99, I love it!