Did I said I was going to start posting more in 2015? I think I also said I was going to simplify, prioritize, and organize my life in 2015, and clearly blogging hasn’t made its way into my weekly agenda. Is it just me or doesn’t Instagram seem like a mini-blog, just a lot less words and more photos (isn’t that all people look at anyways? haha). Really though, I do know that blogging is a great way to share more and in greater detail and I’d love to be more active, I would….so I’m starting back in with a good ole Treat yourself Tuesday post. If you don’t hear from me in another month, you know where to find me.
I’m not sure if my girl Becky over at Olives n’ Wine is still linking up for this Tuesday post, but I definitely know she is still participating. Girlfriend is in her 3rd trimester of her first pregnancy…she better be treating herself all day errr day!
If this is your first time reading a Treat Yourself Tuesday post, you can head back HERE to see why Becky started this series. I am a big advocate for self-pampering…a little goes a long way when you are an overworked mama, so it’s very important to enjoy those moments that are just for you. I know there aren’t many of them, so that’s why they are worth celebrating.
Speaking of celebrating I guess I will start with the most obvious treat of all…my 35th birthday weekend! I’m not one to make a fuss over my birthday, never have been…but, I won’t lie, it was nice to be fussed over this year by Greg. He booked us a night away at the St. Regis, got us a couples massage, and made us dinner reservations at an amazing restaurant (you know, the kind where you don’t know what anything actually is on the menu lol). Even though we were just minutes away from home, it was a treat just to escape….I appreciated every single second of it! Thank you for holding down the fort Nana!!
I had a lot of people ask me about my dress that I wore to dinner. You know I couldn’t go without treating myself to something from Rent The Runway! If I have any opportunity to get dressed up, I am getting my dress from them. Here is a better shot of what the dress looked like. It was one of my favorites from them so far, and Im pretty sure I need a reason to rent it again! Do I hear a girls night out?
Speaking of…I was treated to one of those the previous week as well. Say what you will, but getting together with a group of ladies to go check out the premiere of 50 Shades of Grey was the treat of all treats. Red carpets, red lipstick, red wine, red room hahaha. Basically just the perfect formula for a memorable girls night out! Want to know my thoughts on the movie? It was mindless entertainment, just like the books were a mindless read. And sometimes that is exactly what I need since my brain is constantly “ON”….so for that reason, I thought the movie was great!
I seem to have a love for mindless entertainment because I definitely treated myself to watching The Bachelor last night! Why can’t I stay away from this show?!?! If the tv is ever actually on it’s the Disney channel. Other than that I don’t watch anything besides 30 women fighting over the same guy. Talk about terrible television choices, but really for me it is such a weekly treat just to escape that one night into a world of garbage tv lol. Who is with me? Any other fans of this season? Do you really think any of these girls stand a chance moving back to his hometown of Yawnville population 1? lol
On a side note…you can only imagine what a treat it is that my AdvoCare world seems to be colliding with my Bachelor/Bachelorette world as of late. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried lol. Someone is just trying to make my life easy by wrapping up all my favorite things into one nice package haha. Molly Mesnick also likes Rent the Runway, we are basically just BFFS at this point. I wonder who will be next? Think we could get Chris Soules on our team?
On a more serious AdvoCare note, I got to treat myself to an awesome event last Thursday night. Orange County is still a little quiet on the AdvoCare front compared to other areas of this country, so we were all so excited to participate in something that was 5 minutes away from us! What a gathering it was! I am constantly blown away by the people this company has brought into our lives. It is always a treat to be in the company of uplifting, inspiring, and positive people.
I’m pretty sure I was on an adrenaline high that got me through the event, but as soon as I got home I felt like I was hit by a freight train. It was NOT a treat to get sick the last few days. Our awesome Nana was in town visiting and she got sick first, followed by Nathan, and then hopefully I will be the last of the fam. I did get to relax over the weekend but not without a few fun moments thrown in there too. I can’t do a Treat yourself Tuesday without talking about my kiddos…they are the reason for my smiles! Ill let this photo speak for itself but it basically made my mommy heart explode to see Nathan in his baseball uniform for the first time ever. No words!
The last treat I will share seems like it is for the boys, but I can assure you it makes me just as excited too…the boys GOT BUNK BEDS!! Nana has been wanting to get them a bedroom set for as long as I can remember, but we never really knew what kind of sleeping arrangements would make sense for these two. Now that they are a little older we realized bunk beds and sharing a room is where it’s at (we hope!!!). We headed out to Pottery Barn Kids, let Nathan do a trial run of the top bunk, picked out some cool bedding and will get everything set up the first week of April. I hope this treats us to an easier nighttime routine, the boys going to bed at a reasonable time, STAYING in their rooms at night and sleeping in. Wishful thinking? I’ll keep you posted!
That’s all for this Treat yourself Tuesday! Thanks for sticking with me through the blog silence and I hope to be back again soon. Until then, go treat yourself to something big or small…you deserve it!

Gah – so many treats!! Where do I begin…. First of all, I think I’ll be bringing back the link-up in a few weeks. I was just getting some really random links and didn’t feel like moderating ALL of the time! 50 Shades,,, still need to see it! So jealous of your little birthday bash – I’m going to have Kyle hit up Greg in 5 years for ideas
Baseballlll!! Ahh! He’s so big! The house we’re purchasing is really close to the county park with tons of baseball fields. Kyle is already planning little league and I’m here all like, ummmm let’s get the kid OUT first
That dress is smokin’ hot! And how fun for the boys… Does mommy get a new office out this arrangement?
Malo and Siren are now sharing a room. They love it! Its like a cool slumber party. They go to bed at 7pm sharp. They don’t have to sleep but they need to stay in their bed. They usually go out shortly after and sleep till 7:15am-7:45 on occasion. It took a few nights to adjust. But pretty simple. I’m right behind you on bunk beds. But I’m looming for a full bottom and twin top. Just in case of sleep over or if I want to be next to them. Good luck think its a fab idea!!
Oooh you’re going to make those boys the best brother room! What are you making room for?
An office as suggested above?
And what a great birthday weekend. Greg sure knows how to spoil his wife!! You look amazing in that dress, of course.