Weekend Recap {Girls night out & Summer concert}

So I feel like we may have been a little selfish this weekend.  Obviously we got in tons of family time, but Greg and I got to finally fit in some time to do a few things we wanted to do too.   We try to squeeze in as many date nights as we can, but usually don’t leave until the boys are in bed to get in ample kiddo time.  Plus let’s be honest, they hate when we leave, but we know we need to force ourselves out that door.  It was a nice to have some time together this weekend while the sun was still out! :)

Saturday Greg was out the door at 5:45am to go meet a couple of his friends in the park to do some bootcamp style workouts together.  I would have paid money to see what those goofballs looked like making up their own workouts haha.  Still proud of him for getting out there and exercising anyway he can find time for.  He came home by 7:00 so I could head to my Turbo Kickboxing class.  Once I got home I dove head first into the biggest pile of laundry I have ever seen, and Greg took the boys to play outside.  We spent the rest of the day cleaning, playing, running errands and relaxing with the kiddos.

Mama had a Girls Night Out on the calendar so I got ready while Greg BBQed and ate outside with the boys.  I didn’t really want to leave them because it looked like so much fun, but I knew dinner out with the ladies would be just what I needed!  And it was!  It’s always so fun catching up with my friends.  Even though I see some of them often, there is nothing better than getting dressed up, being able to complete full sentences, and not having someone hanging from you! {even though they sure are cute hanging from you…proof below}

Mommy and Nathan

On Saturday we also ran a few errands which included me getting fit for yet ANOTHER pair of running shoes.  I chose style over comfort last time and vowed to not make that mistake again.  Convinced my new shoes were the cause of my blisters, black toenails and hip pain, I wanted to try again.  I had my feet scanned, ran on the treadmill, and had my form analyzed.  It showed that I over-pronate on my left side which is also the side of my pain, so they fit me for a pair of Brooks Adreneline GTS 13’s that should help correct my form.  Let me tell you….I ran 7.25 miles Sunday which is the longest straight distance I have ever run, a good 4 miles of which were uphill….and I had ZERO discomfort.  No breaking in needed, no blisters, no hurting toes and NO HIP PAIN!!!  I can’t even tell you how completely shocked I am.  If this keeps up I will forever be a Brooks fan for running shoes.  I’ll be sure to keep you posted, but so far I’m training in these to be my half marathon shoes.

pDSP1-13413799dtAfter our run with the neighborhood crew we hung out, got ready for the day, and played outside before our sitter came at 3:30 to keep the boys company so Greg and I could drive up to LA for a concert.  We have never been to The Greek Theater before and we seriously fell in love the second we got there.  It was organized, clean, intimate, had amazing outdoor food trucks and bars and everyone was so friendly.  We bought some sandwiches, some beer and a giant carafe of Chardonnay and sat outside just smiling, talking, drinking and enjoying the evening together.

We were there to see Guster, Ben Folds Five and The Barenaked Ladies.  These three bands were basically the soundtrack to Greg and my college days together and the start to our relationship in California.  We honestly had one of the best dates in our history of being together!  It was such a blast from the past and so fun to reminisce to some of our favorite songs…I felt 21 all over again.  We couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we were having.  We’ve decided to add John Mayer and Dave Matthews Band to our Summer concert line up now.  Thanks for such an awesome night Buggy!

Guster Concert

I hope you are all having a great start to your week…thanks for reading! xo

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  1. says

    At least we know our respective local running stores must know what they are talking about since I’m an overpronator too and they’ve suggested the same exact shoes! I might try Brooks next time (I am due for a new shoe soon!) because I really couldn’t choose between the Asics and Brooks last time (like I mentioned)!

  2. says

    The concert sounds amazing! Absolutely love Ben Folds. Saw John Mayer a couple of years ago and it was a really good one too.

    BTW, you look gorg in your GNO dress. Glad you had a great weekend!

    • says

      Thank you for sharing this with us. I wetand to ask you a few questions. 1) are you breastfeeding? 2) how much weight did you gain being pregnant? 3) did you workout during your pregnancy and if so, how much? And finally, 4) how old are you? I gained 65lbs and am 36. I am now at 160lb and am looking to lose another 20. I am breastfeeding my 7mos old and didn’t work out during exercise (doctor’s orders long story). Write me back, please. Thank you.

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