Memorial Day Weekend Recap

Isn’t there something out in the blog world called Wordless Wednesday?  Where you just post a ton of photos and let them speak for themselves?  I’m about to throw down my first Wordless Wednesday card today because, quite frankly, thinking as far back as Friday seems like a distant memory to me.

While not completely wordless let me sum up the past 4 days in one, long, run-on sentence because I’m really good at doing that {case in point}.  There were play dates, driveway drinks, water balloon fights, neighborhood parties, bounce houses, bike parades, BBQs, BBQs and more BBQs, campfires, s’mores, movies in the park, shopping, haircuts, workouts, runs, birthday parties, Shane throwing up {the only negative event of the weekend}, hillside picnics overlooking the ocean, beach time, and maybe, just maybe an hour somewhere in there to just relax.  Although it was jam packed, every second was spent together as a family which made all the chaos enjoyable!

Mima also flew into town Saturday evening and will be here through the weekend.  The weather is going to be perfect while she is here so we are going to do our best to make it a So Cal Summery visit for her.  This includes a three hour trip up north to Santa Ynez Valley wine country for the much anticipated wedding of our friends Marc & Anne.  Might as well keep this fun-filled month rolling!

I think I broke the rules of Wordless Wednesday so without further adieu….some photos!

tea partyNeighborhood Memorial Day PartyHudson Party 1 Hudson Party 2 Memorial Day 1 Memorial Day 2Memorial Day 4 Memorial Day 3 Tomato {this last photo is of Nathan eating the first ripe-ish tomato from our garden…yay!}

Happy Wednesday….make it a great one! xo

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  1. says

    What a fun weekend! Loved that picture of Nathan eating the tomato (he’s so handsome!!) and the golfing one – what a swing!! Looked like a great one all around – I’m sure Mima is loving being there. And can’t wait to hear all about that wedding!!

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