Five on Friday: Favorite things addition


It's been awhile since I've linked up for a 5 on Friday with Darci from The Good Life Blog, so I thought I would jump right back in and post some of my 5 new favorite items that have made their way into my life thanks to Santa (or thanks to me making a good wish list for Santa haha).  So without further ado, here are 5 of my new Friday Favorites...   {ONE}  I am pretty sure I am becoming that ... [ Read More ]

Thanks for the memories 2013

Whew...anyone else kind of glad all the holiday hoopla is over?  Don't get me wrong we had a WONDERFUL Christmas, but it sure exhausting playing Santa Claus.  I took a ton of photos on my real camera for once, but I'm just going to be honest here, I don't have the energy to go through them right now.  I'll keep the memories in my head, and the photos on my camera (until the day I have time to edit ... [ Read More ]

On the 6th Year of Christmas…

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My true love gave to me...six years of laughter, fiiiiiive gooooolden riiiiings (I wish), four years with Nathan, three different houses, two years with Shane, and a partridge in a pear tree.   It's pretty incredible how much life can change in a relatively short amount of time.   The holidays are always a time of reflection and last night I did just that while browsing through the family blog I ... [ Read More ]

Monday Must-Haves: Party Edition

ikea wine glasses

Well I was going to write this post earlier today, but was still in a cookie party coma.  The sugar (alcohol) haze has lifted and I am excited to share some of my party staple must-haves. This is my 5th year in a row hosting a cookie and ornament exchange with my girlfriends.  I try to host 2-3 parties a year (kiddie parties not included), and have come up with some of my favorite items that are ... [ Read More ]

Fresh Look Friday!


So what do you the new look?  Part of my 2014 goals is to give this blog a little more love, and what better way to do that than with a makeover!!? I've been wanting a custom blog design for the longest time, but wasn't really ready to shell out the big bucks to have one made for me.  You guys...I got my custom blog after all.  Becca from, you are so ... [ Read More ]

What does January 1st mean to you?

24 day challenge results

I can remember this exact time last year so well.  I was struggling with my weight and making every excuse imaginable for why all those extra pounds were sticking to me from both pregnancies.  I thought I was eating healthy, I was counting calories, I was going to the gym when I had time...but it just HAD to be that my metabolism changed.  I couldn't think of any other reason why nothing was ... [ Read More ]