Just 3 months ago the Advocare 24 Day Group Challenge Facebook page I have, ran it’s very first fun, successful and inspiring group challenge. At that time there were about 75 of us. Fast forward to today…we are up to over 450 challengers (and growing daily)!! The sudden growth can be chalked up to two things….the program works, and the amazing people experiencing these results, can’t help but spread the word to their friends and family. We just wrapped up our large challenge on the 29th, and the interest level has increased immensely since then so a second group challenge is starting February 3rd. A very smart group…get all those Super Bowl apps and drinks in, and then let the fun begin!
Before I share some of the results from this last challenge I just want to also share a little about what happens in this Facebook group. There are tips, informational sheets, meal plan guides, a data base of our favorite clean recipes, exercise ideas, instant answers to questions, immediate support for anyone who may be struggling or faced with temptations, encouragement…SO MUCH ENCOURAGEMENT. It is a safe place to share where we have been, where we are at, and where we plan on going…no judgement, just support. There is laughter, camaraderie, bi-coastal friendships forming, and people of all different shapes and sizes coming together with the same ultimate goal…to gain the greatest possible control of their health. Is there anything more important than that? Here are some of the amazing results that members have started sharing now that they conquered their 24 days. I am beyond proud of them!
24 Days- 8 lbs & 12.5 inches lost
24 Day- 10.5 lbs and 13 inches lost
24 Days- 9 lbs and 9 inches lost
24 days- 5 lbs lost and signing up for FIRST half marathon
24 Days- 15.3 lbs lost24 Days- 10 lbs & 6 inches lost
So awesome for just 24 days am I right?? This is just a VERY small sampling of the results that have been pouring through. People often ask what happens past the 24 days, do people just gain all the weight back? The complete opposite actually. What we all learn over the 24 days are changes that are made to last you a lifetime. This is the furthest thing from a “quick-fix” (even though the results CAN be very dramatic to start), it’s just one small part of the equation in completely changing your lifestyle…a jumpstart we like to call it. People often make open ended goals for themselves….I am going to start eating healthier, I am going to drink less, I am going to start exercising. Great in theory, but without setting exact timeframes, exact numbers, exact plans for what you are doing, these kind of goals almost always fall short. That’s why I have loved this so much…24 Days. Can you just commit to 24 days? It’s realistic, there is plan mapped out for you, and if you are looking to lose 8-15 lbs to start (the average) in that time frame…you will reach your goal number. My favorite part is seeing what happens past the 24 days. Here are two Challengers (that I consider awesome friends now despite not knowing one another before this) that did their first 24DC when we did our last group challenge 3 months ago. Would you look at them now? 30 lbs lost between them both and an entirely new attitude towards health, exercise and happiness. I love it!
Lastly, it’s been a really long time since I have shared my progress. I took about a 6 week break from working out because of my surgery so that really threw me for a loop (it was torture actually). That paired with the binging of the holidays I needed to get back on track, so doing a 24 Day Challenge was perfect timing for me and to support all the new group members. My goals for 2014 have changed a lot from what they were last year at this same time. I am looking to lower my body fat percentage from 24% to around 17% and I am looking to build muscle and strength. In talking with my trainer my program has changed a little bit since I’m not focused on weight loss. I will be doing bootcamp/cross training 5-6x a week , putting a hold on my distance running (that is a whole other story…let’s just say I am running my second half marathon this Sunday with little to no training. Pray for me), I am using new supplements from Advocare’s Performance Elite line, and I will be keeping a clean diet (insert 24 Day Challenge kickoff here).
My results from this last challenge were 4 lbs and 6″ lost and get this….4% body fat loss! Now being only 3% away from my goal has me so excited to continue with the new plan my trainer has set out for me.
Exactly 1 year progress between my 1st 24DC and my 3rd 24DC. 30+ lbs lost and over 20 inches lost
It’s never too late to join in our Facebook group…being part of it is truly priceless and has really been the game changer for many when it comes to having never-ending support and advice. After you purchase your 24 Day Challenge bundle I will be notified. By the end of the same day I will e-mail you, find out a little more about you and your goals, send you some additional information as well as get your information to invite you to the group. Of course if you still have questions PLEASE send me an e-mail at HeyLaurenRene@gmail.com and I will respond as quickly as I can. We would love to have you join us!
Thanks as always for reading along this past year…this blog (and all of you) have been my accountability partner and I don’t think I could have stayed the course without it. Now please send some good running juju my way and hope I can cross the finish line this Sunday for my second half! #wouldhavebeensmarttotrain #doesnthelpimsick #illstopwiththeexcuses

Love seeing all of these results, Advocare rocks!
Ain’t that the truth!!! Thanks Mia!!!
Did you do insanity as well?
Hi Ashley, no I don’t do Insanity. For workouts I do a morning bootcamp and running
Hope that helps!
I just started my first 24 day challenge (yesterday) and came across your blog through a google search. Can I join the fb page now? I am diagnosed celiac, so I had to change my plan around slightly. I found a gluten free 10 day cleanse PDF I am following, but am looking for additional tips and recipes and extra motivation
My husband and myself are just getting setup to start our first 24 day challenge for Jan 2015. Can we join the your facebook page? Really want to get the most out of this for the both of us.
Thank you..
Merry Christmas..
Buffie & Dale Brown
Hi Buffie- thank you so much for your comment. That is great you are both doing this challenge together. Unfortunately due the size of the FB group and how active it is, we have had to make it private to those that are clients of mine or are clients of distributors on our team. I hope you understand. However, if you are not receiving the support you need/deserve please send me an e-mail and we can discuss some options. Thanks Buffie- you two will do awesome!
Hi Lauren
I’m planning to start the 24 day challenge on Monday. Can you tell me how important the “companion products” are for the challenge to be successful? Also the fb group you have is that a private group? I don’t use fb much but would love to see some of the information.
Thank you
I just ordered mine but not through you but a different advocare distributor because I just saw this, can I still join the facebook page? Or is it too full?
Hi Riley- unfortunately the Facebook group is private for our team members and their clients only. However if you are not getting the help you need/deserve please reach out to me and we can discuss getting you some support through your challenge. Thanks so much!