Sorry for the blog silence as of late…things have been quite busy around here. My Mother-in-law flew into town last week and is staying with us until Sunday. We have been having so much fun, but she has also been here to lend a helping hand. As some of you may or may not know I had a minor surgery this past Friday (don’t worry I’m fine) and she has been doing so much for me and the boys…I really can’t thank her enough. I’ve been resting so I haven’t had much interest in blogging since I’ve been going to bed by 8:00pm every night. Doctors orders are that I can’t workout for the next several weeks too, so it’s just been an adjustment for me to go from daily boot camp and half marathon training to….well, doing absolutely NOTHING. I thought I would enjoy the break but I’m definitely ready to get back at it!
We did have a chance to get some fun in this past week with Nana visiting. She surprised us with annual passes to Disneyland and we of course had to go straight there and spend some time at the happiest place on earth! The last time we went Shane was a baby, so it was so much fun to see how overwhelmed with happiness he was now that he is older. He loved the rides, but wasn’t too impressed with the life sized characters and ran away from them all. Nathan on the other hand, attacked them all with the biggest hugs and threw a total fit when we had to leave. He said he wanted to stay there “forever, forever, forever, forever and forever”. Lucky for him we can go back a whole bunch this year….we can’t thank Nana enough for her generosity!
We are definitely in the full swing of Halloween around here and can’t wait for a few parties next week and of course the big day of trick-or-treating! Nathan picked all of our costumes this year so he is really excited about seeing us all dressed up. Stay tuned to see what he came up with Looking forward to seeing photos of all of your adorable kiddos too!
Have a great rest of the week!! xo
**For those of you who read my previous post about accomplishing my first half marathon I truly appreciate all your kind words. I got suckered into paying for the overpriced professional photos they took of the race so please do me a favor and check out THIS post with some updated photos I have added. It was my first race…I just had to get them right?

I hope you’re feeling better! I had no idea you were having surgery!
Moms and MIL’s who step in to help when needed are awesome.
I had no ideas our your surgery either! Hope it’s not a hard recovery!
And what a great gift!!
Love the marathon pictures! You totally deserve it!