Hey Treat Yourself Tuesday…remember me? Linking up with Becky over at Olives ‘n Wine used to be one of my favorite treats of the week. I have always loved her idea of taking some time each week to pamper yourself! From a nap, to a pedicure, to a glass of wine with a friend, to some new clothes, to a HUGE THANKSGIVING MEAL….sometimes you just have to do whatever it takes to bring a smile to your face. If you are new to TYT Becky wrote a great post HERE on why she started this blog series, and it’s why I love participating in it (when I actually get to it!)
So this post is going to seem a little overindulgent on the treat factor but I haven’t posted one of these in awhile, so this is a culmination of some of my most recent favorite treats. ‘Tis the season to be generous and trust me. my Christmas shopping is almost completely done, wrapped and shipped for everyone else…I just may have gotten a little side tracked in the online shopping process that’s all! lol.
Let’s start there…I decided to treat myself to a stress-free holiday season. There is nothing that gets me more flustered than feeling behind, rushed, or forced to do something that should be enjoyable. I used my awesome new Plum Paper Planner, and got organized early this year. Christmas cards are in the mail, presents are shipped, and decorations are up. Now I can just sit back and enjoy the rest of the holiday season right? Doubtful since I usually find more unnecessary things to stress over, but the important stuff is done! I also eliminated my intricate Advent Calendar for the boys and replaced it with a Lego Advent Calendar (which they love WAY more), and our Elf on the Shelf isn’t doing a single fancy thing this year but moving a few inches each night lol. It’s all about simplicity heading into 2015 and I’m loving it!
Now it probably sounds like I skipped right through Thanksgiving with all this Christmas planning but I assure you we treated ourselves to an awesome one! Greg took almost the whole week off from work and it was so great to have him home just enjoying the simple things we are most thankful for. We had a great time at Nathan’s school for a Thanksgiving feast, and then had an equally fun time at our own Thanksgiving meal at home. I cooked way too much food, but treated my belly to some “cleaner” options too! It was nice to have a stomach ache free turkey day with my fam! Greg may have set up a mimosa bar and made Moscow Mules…but remember this post is about the treats so I had to let you know about them!
This next treat is more for the hubby, but it’s a treat for me too to know he’s driving a nice, new, SAFE (and fuel efficient) car. He had a Jeep that used to be mine, and it pretty much sounded like it was about to explode every time you accelerated sooooo…..getting a new car has been in the cards for awhile. We treated ourselves to a sitter, and spent all of Black Friday at the gym, car shopping, and then went out to a late lunch to celebrate. It was so much fun to be out and about for a day date! We tried car shopping with the boys and needless to say, that was the FURTHEST thing from a treat lol.
Speaking of Black Friday, did you all catch this Fabletics deal? I already owned the two in the middle and thanks to this sale I now have the two on the end. I can’t get enough of my leggings from this company. They are so flattering and compress in all the right places! I will only wear my Fabletics leggings on leg day now because the other leggings have no business being worn while squatting and dead-lifting. I know there is no chance of seeing through these and can push my booty back in confidence now haha. I’ll still be a Lulu tank top girl, but my legs belong to this company now! If you want $25 off your first order…here you GO!
Speaking of Lulu tank tops….this one JUST showed up at my doorstep. Like as I was typing this! I’m going to go try it on and report back if it’s a keeper. Aaaaaaaand….it’s a total win!! If you have any interest in it I would recommend going a size up than you normally would so you have extra fabric to tie it in the back. Seriously can’t wait to wear it tomorrow. See what I did there? Treat myself to new gym clothes, and in turn it motivates me to go workout. #worthit!
These pretties also motivate me every day to get to the gym. They may have been November treats, but they deserved some recognition since I have so much love for them. I don’t need nice clothes, jewelry, fancy things…just give me gym gear and I am the happiest girl on the planet.
Not going to lie though…I do enjoy being girly every now and then. It’s a once a month thing where I will curl my hair, maybe a twice a month thing to get dressed up (read: wear something a step up from workout clothes), and well something has been missing for a long time now, and that is nice nails! I can’t even tell you the last time I got a manicure or pedicure…GROSS! I think my toenails have polish on it from the Summer! I am hard on my hands and feet so it just doesn’t seem worth it. I think I found a solution though…I tried Jamberry wraps for the first time and I think I’m sold. I know my girl Katie works out like a beast and she wears them, so I got some from her website last week and they are great!! They were pretty easy to put on, they don’t chip, they look great, and I’ve worked out 5 times already with them on and they still are fab! These are the colors I went with and currently have the purple ones on…surprise!! Excited to try some more! There you go hands…finally treated you to some attention other than callouses!
My last treat I am going to share with you are my new favorite McGuire Majorelle Flare jeans! Those two times a month I dress up that I mentioned above? Yeah, you will find me wearing these! I am still a fan of skinny jeans but I LOVE that this style is coming back too! I haven’t bought a nice pair of jeans for myself since losing weight (yes it’s been two years), so this was a worthwhile splurge! I will warn you, they are made VERY long and come with a tag that tells you to cut the bottom of them to your desired length. As in, take scissors and just cut! Not something that you would normally want to do with nice jeans, but the style is to have them fray at the bottom so I went for it! Got my tallest wedges and snipped off about 4″ and I love love love them!! Best treat in awhile!
It was pouring rain today so I actually treated myself to having my groceries delivered for the first time. It was FREE delivery since I have never used this service before and they should be here any minute with my order so that’s all from me!
I know your mind is on others, as it should be, especially during the holiday season….but please make sure to take some time to treat yourself along the way too! You deserve it!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are having an amazing start to your December!

You could be the model for those jeans. They look fabulous on you!!
That is really sweet of you Jessie, thank you so much!!!
Congrats on your new car, it’s beautiful! I’ve got a couple outfits from Fabletics now and I love it, such great stuff! Glad you had a wonderful holiday Lauren
Thanks girl, we finally pick up the car tomorrow and are so excited! So happy you love your Fabletics stuff too! I see some ladies at the gym wearing their pants and want to run up to them and start talking…I always assume they are bloggers haha. Love how we keep each other on top of all the best new stuff! Hope the holidays are treating you well!! xo
Great post! And I love how it’s all about simplicity this year
I tend to go overboard and overwhelm myself. I think I’ll adopt this motto for 2015 too!
Right? Why add unnecessary things to the to-do list when you can spend more time snuggling that adorable little nugget of yours!
They won’t remember all the crazy things you did and planned for them…they will just remember the TIME you spent with them! Im right there with you!!
Yeah!! Glad you got the nails and love them.
I have the gold stripe ones too – thinking New Years for those!! And agreed to Fabletics leggings with Lulu tops!!
Yes Katie I love the nails thank you! They are still going strong which is exactly what I needed! Excited to try out the gold stripes too!!
Oh man, those jeans are super cute but I don’t want the skinnies to go out of style! Andddd keep buying all of that workout gear for me. I cannot wait to buy some more cute stuff next summer – eep!
Hahaha I love how you already are thinking forward to post baby workout clothes! You are too motivated, it’s great! I could see you rocking some flare jeans too!! But yes skinnies and boots always!!
What a fun post! Love Fabletics! I haven’t bought any since my first outfit…but I love my spandex, so I’ll have to buy some leggings soon. Been trying to budget money…no workout clothes for now! I hope to channel some of your organization + productivity in regards to Christmas. I’m really hoping to have my shopping done a good week before Christmas week!
Thank you Kelsey! I know each year I try and get my gifts earlier and earlier but still always find myself rushing around for last minute ideas. Good luck to you! Definitely understand heading into 2015 with a budget in mind, and once you’re ready Fabletics is an awesome way not to break the bank! Thanks for reading