Five on Friday: Fashion edition

Well I asked you guys once before, and I’m doing it again.  I need some help picking out a dress for a wedding.  I am totally in love with Rent the Runway so this will be my third go around with them, and I’m hoping for another dress success!

A few details….the wedding isn’t until 3 months from now, but it will be back East so I’m planning ahead because there will be a million other things on my mind while preparing for this cross country trip with both boys {insert anxiety here}.  The wedding will be in Vermont, there will most likely be SNOW, it’s at a gorgeous mountain top resort and it will be a beautiful, classy wedding with some rustic charm thrown in.

So here you go, I am linking up for my Five on Friday and sharing five different dresses that I have narrowed my choices down to.  Ready, set, and help a girl out!


photo 1 {DRESS TWO}photo 2{DRESS THREE}
photo 3{DRESS FOUR}
photo 4{DRESS FIVE}photo 5

Are you seeing the theme here?  I’m liking sleeves, neutral colors and some sparkle.  I keep thinking of that snow possibility and the thought alone makes me shiver…the long sleeves will make up for my bare legs right?  Thanks for your help…you guys totally picked the winner last time!

Side note- Shane turns TWO tomorrow!!!  I can’t even believe it.  We will be celebrating our little munchkin right through the weekend.  Once I pick myself up off the ground from crying because I no longer have any babies in our house, I will return with some party pics and a post for my birthday boy!

Have an awesome weekend friends! XO

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  1. Sarah says

    I like them all, but 4 and 5 are my favorite. I love that 4 is a different color. You will look amazing in any of them!

  2. says

    Dang it. I really like 2 but seem to be outnumbered around here. Number 4 would be my second choice. You’re going to look amazing regardless!

  3. Stephanie says

    Wow those are all amazing! I agree with the ladies…1,4,and 5 are my favs! You’ll be walking down the aisle with Shane so he’s gonna need a sparkle bow tie to match

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