Hello Wednesday

I feel like I’ve fallen off the blog wagon, and I’m not sure how to jump back on.  I told myself that I would never make this blog feel like something I have to do, or it will have lost it’s purpose in it being something that I enjoy doing.  Typically I write my posts late at night once Greg has fallen asleep next to me.  He goes to bed at a reasonable time, like most people would do when they get up before 6:00am every day.  I should learn to do the same…but somehow I am a bit of a night owl and a morning person (or is that just an insomniac?) rolled into one, so my computer hangs out with me while the rest of the house is quiet.  The past few nights though, I decided to let sleep win.  I’m happy I did.

Although my computer didn’t keep me up, Shane decided that would be his job this past week.  I’m almost positive he is struggling with cutting two large molars and they are the cause of his nighttime misery.  Monday night was his second night of keeping us awake from 12:00am-almost 5:00am.   I’m not talking  falls asleep…wakes back up…falls asleep…wakes back up…I mean 5 straight hours of us being UP with him with he either screams from his crib, or needs us to hold him.  Greg and I just take turns swapping him back and forth, mumbling things to one another trying to figure out what to do, and before we know it we are watching the sun come up.  M I S E R A B L E.  This is way worse than any newborn stage.

Aside from the lack of sleep, we have had Greg’s parents visiting us since last week so we were just soaking in all the family time and the beautiful weather.  We had a really nice time having them here, and it constantly reminds me what we are missing by not having either set of grandparents close by.  The boys just love them to pieces!  My mom is coming into town Saturday, so this is going to be such a treat to have back to back family stay with us.

As for this week, we are back to the regular routine of just me and the boys during the day.  Instead of throwing them into a boring Monday of errand running and grocery shopping I decided to pack a last minute lunch, grab a few sand toys, and surprise them with an afternoon at the beach with Mama.  Nathan chased the birds, the waves and built sand castles, Shane spent most of the time on my lap eating lunch and pointing at the ocean saying “wow”.  I couldn’t agree more Shane…

 May 2013 Beach DayMay 2013 Beach Day 2May 2013 Beach Day 4May 2013 Beach Day 3

 With school ending in three more weeks I am looking forward to all the summer adventures and spontaneous outings with my two little buddies.  If you head on over to my friend Jenny’s blog, she has made a free and editable printable for a great Summer-to-do-list.  Just reading it gets me excited to start in on some of her ideas, and of course to add in some of my own.  I already know that I want to add…go on a boat ride, a trip to Catalina Island, fishing, and a camp out (even if it’s just in the yard) to my list of fun ideas for the Summer.  What would be some of yours?

Hope this week is treating you well and thanks for reading! xo

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  1. Kara says

    Have I mentioned how jealous I am of your proximity to the beach? That looks SO good. And I LOVE sweet Shane just sitting there saying “wow” – that melts my heart.

    Can’t wait to check in on your visit with MimaLucy! ;-) And hope Shane’s teeth will leave you all alone for a while!!

  2. Mimalucy says

    I am counting the days…. And cannot wait to sit on the beach and “wow” with Shane!! Love reading your blog, but it will be definitely better actually sharing your experiences. Love you all ❤❤❤❤❤

  3. says

    Ahhh your beach pictures make me wish BEACH was something I could add to my summer bucket list! Actually, I guess it was – but we already checked it off. :( I will be living vicariously through your beach pics!

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