I’m tired, but proud

Sorry for the blog silence lately, I’ve just been doing a whole lot of this…

boys bikes nathan baseball nathan horsemom and shane sprinklers boys 2 sprinklers boysmom and boys

These crazy boys are keeping their mama on her toes.  We’ve been checking things off our Summer to-do list and trying my very best to tire these guys out!  So far so good, but it’s tiring me out equally.  Speaking of tiring, I’m not sure what’s been kicking my butt more…my 5:30am boot camp or my boys!  The combination of the two has me choosing sleep over blogging, so please forgive me while I adjust to the madness.  The days seem longer than normal lately, but as long as we are smiling at the end of them that’s all that matters. Thanks for sticking around and I hope this Wednesday treats you well! xo

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  1. says

    ” The days seem longer than normal lately, but as long as we are smiling at the end of them that’s all that matters” — sooo true!!! :)

  2. Kara says

    You’re the cutest. Your boys have the most amazing parents ever… thanks for sharing your “everyday” which looks pretty darn good to me. And gives me hope for this two-kid thing (eeks!).

    I love that Nathan is kind of kissing your shoulder in that last picture – even with Shane trying to escape.

    Oh and I love that hose/sprinkler thing. What fun!

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