It’s getting Spooky up in here!


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Well it’s happened.  I opened one small box of Halloween decorations, put out a pumpkin here and there…and you know what comes next right?  200 trips (ok 3) to Michael’s, crafting while the kids nap, blowing up my Pinterest Halloween folder full of ideas, and hanging up way too many spiders and cobwebs than I care to even count.  It’s that thing that happens when we get that little taste of cooler Fall weather…we snap and head right into Holiday crack out mode!  And maybe crafting isn’t your thing, but you know you started baking something, bought new warmer clothes, or looked up Halloween costumes already!  If not, that’s ok…it just means you aren’t crazy!

So here it is…the START of the Halloween happenings around our house!  I’m still stuck on what I’m going to do outside but I have until October 1st right? :)

Halloween decor 3Halloween decor 2 Halloween decor 4 Halloween decor 5Halloweendecor1 Halloween decor 7Halloween decor 6Halloween decor 8

Have you gotten into the spirit of spook yet in your house?

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  1. says

    So cute!!! I love your bedazzled pumpkin. I’m dying to start on my decor but most of it is still lost in the garage after the move and it’s still 95 degrees here and I’m afraid my pumpkins will melt. I’ll just live vicariously through your craziness for a while :)

  2. says

    Wow. You’re amazing. I’m super impressed. No Halloween decorations here yet – admittedly I’m not a huge Halloween person though. Are you making the boys costumes too?

  3. says

    I love your Halloween decor! It perfectly festive without being cheesy or too spooky– which is a fine line when it comes to Halloween. The silhouettes are perfect and I love your wreath! Are the DIYs on your Pinterest page?

    • lauren says

      Hi Colleen! Thank you so much! I’m so sorry I am just responding to my blog comments now. I do have a Halloween folder on Pinterest where I definitely get inspiration from. If there is a particular project you wanted help with just let me know :)

  4. says

    Girl, can we be best friends??? Forever?! ;) ;) I LOVE your Halloween decor —- come to my house next year! ;)

    So glad you joined the “little ghosts & goblins” Halloween pj party link-up! Can you tell I’m a little late at getting around to tell everyone hello?!\


    • lauren says

      Haha obvs…BFF forever Darci! The funny part is I just met Jenny Collier this past weekend (I’ve known her for 9 years via online but we finally met) and we totally talked about you and your awesome blog! I’m loving your 5 on Friday and am so glad I found all you girls because of it. I’ll be linkin’ up anytime I can! xo

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