October Stitch Fix-My favorite one to date!

Hiya Friends…It’s been a hot minute since I have written a blog post, but I have been B-U-S-Y with a capital B!!  This neglected blog always seems to take the back burner, but I am thankful for those that stick around.

I was going to just let my 8th Stitch Fix slide under the radar but it was too good to keep from you all.  It was hands down my favorite I have received from when I first started this obsession.  Every.single.item. was a keeper except a pair of skinnies because I already owned them!  Just waiting on some sweater weather to finally show up, and I will be living in everything you see below.

If by chance you are new to Stitch Fix here is the gist of this brilliant concept.  Fill out a super fun Style Profile (even if you don’t schedule a fix, go make one HERE …It’s a great way to figure out how to describe your taste in fashion).  Then when you are ready spend $20 to schedule your fix, let the experts put together a custom delivery of 5 items for you.  Try them on in the comfort of your own home, with your existing clothing and accessories and keep what you want and send back what you don’t.  Your $20 styling fee will be applied as credit towards what you keep, and everything else you can send back in a prepaid envelope.  You can also refer friends and get a $25 credit to spend on future orders if they decide to see what the craze is all about too.  Best part is if you keep all 5 items you get 25% off your entire order.  This October fix would have totally been an all-five-keeper if I didn’t already own the jeans!  On the other hand, even if you keep just one unique item I think it’s totally worth the experience, and I bet it will quickly become one of your favorite pieces in your closet.

Honestly when I look at my closet now it makes me happy.  My favorite pieces are all from Stitch Fix and I love that they are all items I would have never thought to choose for myself.  The convenience factor alone is worth it, but having a stylist get me to step outside my comfort zone has been the best part.  However, if you create a Pinterest folder just for your Stitch Fix style you can pin outfits you like into it and send that link to your stylist.  They can even get as specific as sending you exact items you have seen in other people’s fixes if they have them still available.  So if you see anything you like from my order, go ahead and pin it to your folder!

So enough chit chat from me….let’s check out my awesome October Fix!

{ 1 }- Kaleigh Ankle Biter Skinny Jean- Kensie Jeans- $88.00.  Status; SENT BACK (only because I’ve received them before and KEPT them!)

Dark navy, super comfortable, and the PERFECT length.   I still liked them the second go around, but these are already hanging in my closet from a previous fix.

Kaleigh Ankle Biter Skinny Jean

{ 2 } Adolfo Faux Leather Elbow Patch Sweater- Kensie- $98.00.  Status:  KEPT

Ok so the price tag was a bit of a shocker but oh em gee, I just couldn’t say bye to this sweater.  The color, the comfort, the neckline, the elbow patches and the FRONT POCKET POUCH….I didn’t want to take it off.  The second we see some 60 degree weather I am running to my closet to grab this!  It’s so cozy it makes me want to hug myself :)

Adolfo Faux Leather Elbow Patch Sweater

{ 3 } Cheyenne Colorblocked Mixed Knit Shirt- THML. $48.00.  Status:  KEPT

Loved this little casual top.  My favorite neutral colors, but still interesting with the change of materials and textures, and I love the dolman sleeves.  Im also a fan of baseball style tees and this has that look to it but in a sweater form.  This top will be getting a lot of use!

Cheyenne Colorblocker Mixed Knit Shirt

{ 4 } Alexander Graphic Knit Drape Front Cardigan- Moon Collection. $68.00.  Status:  KEPT

I knew I was going to love this open front sweater before I even tried it on.  I don’t know what else to say about it besides that it’s perfect and I plan on living in it!

Alexander Graphic Knit Drape Front Cardigan

{ 5 } Lucine Swiss Dot Blouse- Skies are Blue. $64.00.  Status:  KEPT

Last but not least this dainty top.  It came with the white cami for layering and I was unsure of it right out of the box.  Actually I was unsure of it still when I first tried it on with the navy skinny jeans.  This is when it’s nice to be able to try it on at home because I tried it on again the next day, with my own jeans and shoes.  Once I saw it in my photo, styled the way I would wear it I decided it was a keeper!  This is the perfect example of not my style at first glance, but happy I opened my mind to it.

Lucine Swiss Dot Blouse

Do you see why I can’t stay away from Stitch Fix?  It’s like I am waiting for them to bomb so I can put a stop to the madness, only instead they just keep getting better and better!  Thank you Stitch Fix for putting a little love and spunk into my dull wardrobe.  I feel so special every time you show up at my doorstep and Im pretty sure we won’t be breaking up anytime soon.

If you’re feeling up for a fix, or just want to have fun with your custom Style Profile, you can get started below!  Enjoy!

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    • lauren says

      Thanks so much!! Booties are Steve Madden last year (I think they still carry them), and jeans I bought from an online shop VICI. Go on Facebook and search “Vici” and “like” their page. They have awesome stuff and I actually think they just posted they had these jeans back in stock! :)

  1. Kara says

    Adorable – all of it, but I always say you could make anything look good. I actually, funny enough, like the last cream top a TON – maybe one of my favorites of the Fix! And that open sweater, obviously! So great.

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