Oink Baa Moo Shane turns 2

If it ever goes quiet around here chances are I’m probably planning a party…and that’s exactly where I have been (I like leaving everything to the last minute).  On Saturday the 23rd we celebrated our little Shaney turning TWO!  I now understand why parents always see their youngest as their babies.  In my eyes I refuse to believe my little guy is growing up, so he will forever be my baby.

Shane you are anything but a baby these days though.  You are a spunky, smart, curious, funny, dancing, laughing, sweet, and energetic carbon copy of your big brother.  You LOVE to follow Nathan’s every move and copy each little thing he does.  You two are inseparable.  I must say Shane, you are one tough cookie and can easily pin down your big brother, and give out bear hugs that will bring you to tears.  You love to do everything by yourself, and if I so much as reach out a helping hand you swat it away.  It always makes me giggle because I love how independent you are.

Aside from Nathan, your favorite things are garbage trucks, trains, playgrounds, books, puzzles, Nemo, music & DANCING, shoes, and animals.  You are completely obsessed with anything that barks, meows, tweets, oinks or moos and that is why we decided to do a barnyard theme for your big second birthday.  It was such a special day with all your best buddies.  You floated around the party just smiling, playing, painting, taking pictures, hitting the pinata, and eating endless PB&J sandwiches.

Happy Birthday Shane, Shaney, Baby Brother, Big Chubby, Diaper Baby!  You are so loved!

Some photos from his special Day:

Shane1 Shane2 Shane3 Shane4 Shane5 Shane6Shane7

Some iPhone Photos
Shane8 Shane9 Shane10 Shane11 Shane12 Shane13 Shane14

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