On the 6th Year of Christmas…

My true love gave to me…six years of laughter, fiiiiiive gooooolden riiiiings (I wish), four years with Nathan, three different houses, two years with Shane, and a partridge in a pear tree.   It’s pretty incredible how much life can change in a relatively short amount of time.   The holidays are always a time of reflection and last night I did just that while browsing through the family blog I had before this one.  There were pregnancy announcements, belly photos, birth stories, monthly photos of the boys (where I couldn’t tell who was who), birthday parties and holidays.  And just as quickly as I could scroll through post after post, is just how fast those years felt.  Yet, at the same time, it felt like a lifetime ago that we were

Care free and dancing at Greg’s company Holiday party.  Wearing ugly Christmas sweaters at a party at our house (see that photo on the right….I got my first positive pregnancy test that morning and drank mocktails all night trying to hide it from our guests)
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Announcing on Christmas morning to our families, via Skype, that we had an extra present under the tree that we forgot to send their way.  I still remember their reactions and excitement like it was yesterday.

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Celebrating our first Christmas with the best gift we could have ever asked for.  The holiday took on a whole new meaning when we discovered the true definition of family, love and selflessness.  

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Spending our first Christmas back East in Maryland with Greg’s family.  Nathan discovered the magic of Christmas this year when his very own Santa showed up to Nana and Grandpa’s house (and made a second appearance at Uncle Eric’s and Aunt Sarah’s house).

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Soaking in the love of precious 1 month old Baby Brother Shane, writing letters and baking cookies for Santa, making memories with Mima and Auntie Marissa, and feeling complete with our newest and cuddliest addition to our family. 

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Back on the East Coast again for a wedding and an early Christmas in Maryland.  We got to meet my darling Niece Ella for the very first time and Santa showed up that year as well (and looked a little different from 2010 haha).  Nathan was so excited.  Shane was clearly traumatized and as you can see his love for Santa continues on.  :P

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On this Christmas Eve I want to wish all of you a very special day with your families and loved ones.  Enjoy creating those magical moments and traditions of the holiday season with those that you care about most.  The years they pass by quickly but the memories of the holidays are ones that are forever engraved in our children and in us.  Merry Christmas to you, my friends….and of course I hope Santa was nice to each and every one of you!

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  1. says

    Wow Lauren I love it!! So fun! Thanks for sharing these sweet pictures and I seriously cannot get over the difference between you now and last Christmas. Great work!!

    • lauren says

      Haha thanks Saz! It’s crazy to look over the years for many different reasons, I am sure you can relate! Here’s to 2014!

  2. Tracey says

    Merry Christmas from Australia! It’s been such a pleasure getting-to-know you via your blog & IG! May you have a wonderful Christmas & a blessed 2014!xo

    • lauren says

      Hi Tracey! Thank you so much we had a wonderful Christmas, I hope you are enjoying the holidays as well! I have always loved that this crazy internet world has me connected to someone in Australia! I love it! Happy 2014 to you and your family!

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