Shout out to the little guy!

Guess who is 18 months old today?….THIS GUY!!

Shane 18 months

Shane, Shaney, Big Chubby, That Baby, Turkey, Baby Brother….you are a year and a half old today and we just couldn’t love you anymore if we tried.  Don’t be sad that your baby book is barely written in, that I don’t have a photograph of your every move, a book outlining your every little milestone and date of each tooth you popped.  Just know it’s because we are too busy enjoying you, loving on you, KNOWING better what we are doing this time around and giving you the best parenting we’ve got because we CAN.

 You are truly a blessing to our family, and you have made your presence known since the day you got here.  You run without fear into our arms, you laugh with every inch of your being, you take abuse from your brother like a total champ, you are sensitive like your mama and aren’t afraid to show it, you dance with all you’ve got {and to the beat at that}, you show your emotions with power, determination and force {to your head unfortunately}, you eat like the world is coming to an end, you sleep like….well you don’t sleep, and most importantly you love in a way that can’t be taught.  I don’t know what it is about you kiddo…but you’re going places and I’m so proud to be the mommy that gets to say “that’s my son”.  I apologize for smothering you in kisses every second of the day, but I just can’t help myself.  YOU.ARE.SO.LOVED! xo

And just so you don’t think I’m not keeping track, here are your 18 month stats: 24 lbs 9 oz  and 32.5″L .  50th percentile on the dot!

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  1. says

    I love our second babies! I feel like I have a new appreciation for Caroline that I maybe never had with Audrey. Now we know how fast they grow up and we can enjoy the moments better!

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