One of my favorite bloggers Becky, over at Olives ‘n Wine, does a little segment she calls “Treat Yourself Tuesday“. Becky really encourages her readers to take the time to be nice to yourself everyday. From using a fancy paper straw with your water at lunch to booking an impromptu massage, no gesture can ever be too big or too small when it comes to your own well-being and happiness. As a mama of two, those moments don’t come very frequently, so I loved the idea of paying better attention to the things I do for myself..and putting in the effort to make them happen. And to make them happen without any feelings of guilt attached, that’s the difficult part for me. Here are a few ways I have shown myself a little bit of love this past week. I would really enjoy hearing yours too so either let me know in my comments, or link up with Becky’s blog to share yours.
{1} The first thing that comes to mind is T-I-M-E. I did something I have so much trouble doing…I asked for help. Just 4 hours of it, but I took it and ran with it. We have a wonderful nanny we use for our occasional date nights and Greg always says I should get her help during the week when I need it. So I did it. She came over to stay with the boys and out the door I went to Starbucks with my laptop. I can’t even remember the last time I did that…college maybe? We all know Advocare keeps me feeling healthy but it also keeps me feeling busy (in the best way possible). I needed that precious quiet time to answer questions, e-mails, check off a few errands….it was insane how much I was able to get done in 4 measly hours to myself. For 2014 I decided that it’s ok to release control…I don’t have to juggle so much all at once…and it’s ok to say you need help. This WILL be happening more often.
{2} I keep debating on whether or not I want to get a juicer. I’m just afraid of it being time consuming and messy therefore being one more thing to clean up, and after all the work I probably wouldn’t get to actually sit down and enjoy it. So in enters Nekter Juice Bar. One just opened up 2 minutes from our house and I am obsessed with their Sublime green juice. My extra special splurge for myself? Yesterday I bought one of their reusable $10 plastic cups {insert guilt} so I could go back more often and save $.50 each time I get a refill {insert more guilt about how often I will be going now}. Thanks to Becky’s post though, if my overpriced juice makes me feel as happy and healthy as it does…it’s worth it!
{3} I’m usually too much of a busy brain to sit down and watch tv, but sometimes there is no better feeling than vegging out to some mindless television. I can’t even tell you how much I love Monday nights to do just that. Come on who else is with me? Can’t get enough of all 3 of these!
{4} Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day. It’s the quickest meal for me to make and really gets my day off on the right foot. I don’t always have the time to make myself something nice, but when I do I love to serve it up like someone else prepared it for me. There is something about mixed fresh berries that just makes me happy, so there you have it!
{5} I signed up for Stitch Fix a long time ago, but finally decided to put my stylist to work. My birthday falls on a Saturday next month and want to do something fun extra fun with Greg. See my favorite show Vanderpump Rules in #3? Well, I not so secretly want to go eat at Sur up in LA to go try the food (stalk the cast members) on my birthday. I swear I wear the same shirt every date night, so I’m having someone else pick my outfit for me. If you haven’t heard of Stitch Fix it’s seriously such a cool concept. You answer all these questions about your “style” and for $20 a stylist sends you a whole box of clothing based on your taste. You can keep what you like and apply that $20 styling feel towards it, or you can send it all back if you don’t like any of it. I have zero time or patience for shopping at the mall so this is perfect for me. Especially since I am the most boring shopper and just leave with a black shirt and jeans every.single.time. You should totally set up a fashion profile on Stitch Fix if you haven’t already. I can’t wait to show you all what they send me. Maybe I will have you vote since, as you know, you always pick my clothes for me Here is the clothing grouping I gravitated most towards on their site to give them an idea of what I like. My delivery shows up Feb 5th…so fun!
{6} 3:00 pm is Spark time in this house, and I honestly look forward to this so much. Shane is usually napping, Nathan is quietly watching a movie or playing Legos and this is my time to fuel up and get recharged with my second wind. Scooping up the powder, stirring it up, drinking that familiar fruit punch taste, and feeling the energy kick back in. It’s become one of my favorite treats of the day and just mentally resets me to make it through the witching our in our house before Daddy gets home. This glass my friend Jenny gave me makes Spark hour extra special for me. This really shows that it’s all about the little things for sure.
{7} This last treat hasn’t happened yet, but it has been planned for Friday. Greg and I were going to go out to dinner, but since we are on the 24 Day Challenge we didn’t want to tempt ourselves with bad food choices or alcohol. So, instead we are going to be big kids and go to Disneyland together at night. Big kid rides and fireworks! I am so excited! I may feel a little bad that they boys won’t be with us, but thanks to my very generous Mother-in-law we have year passes so they can go anytime. So, Space Mountain here we come!
So there you have it…I’d love to hear some ways that you treated yourself to something special this week. Don’t think you have taken enough time for yourself today? There is still time to go make yourself a nice bath tonight, drink a big glass of wine (and pour yourself another since I can’t have any), and relax. You all deserve it!

I love each and every thing you have listed here, Lauren! I have the same thoughts on a juicer – the last thing I want to do is clean the thing… I’ll use that to justify my $20 each week toward green juice
I need your Spark glass., looks like I’ll need to edit my birthday list to include some monogrammed glassware. And have SO much fun at Disneyland! Can you believe I’ve never been to a Disney-themed park? The next time I’m in SoCal or Florida, it is happening!
You definitely deserve a trip to Disney…even though I’m pretty sure I would take Jamaica over it any day haha. I love your Treat Yourself Tuesday idea and hope to link up with you more often. Just means I need to find more ways to treat myself right?
I love this! It is so easy to forget about yourself as a mom and a few hours or little treats make a world of difference! Have so much fun on your date
Thanks Lindsay we are looking forward to it. I hope you join in and do a Treat Yourself Tuesday too..I always love the goodies you share
I am a February baby too! im the 15th!
I have yet to try stich fix but everything looks so wonderful! and nothing beats vegging out, sometimes you just need it<3
cait @
NO WAY! I am the 15th too!!! I love it!! Don’t you just love the 2 in 1 Valentine’s Day combo? haha. Happy birthday in exactly a month!!!!
Those outfits are cute. I haven’t purchased a juicer yet either and we have so many Nekter juice bars nearby.
I’ve watched a lot of TV lately too to tune out. I haven’t tried watching “The Bachelor” but I finally got into “Breaking Bad,” “2 Broke Girls,” and “New Girl.” So much to watch!
Hi Julie…I think you need to give The Bachelor a try, it’s pure mindless entertainment lol. I actually have Breaking Bad on the list for the next series to watch if we ever get through Downton Abbey. While I LOVE the show we only watch maybe an hour of tv a night before we pass out ha.
Hey Lauren!
I stumbled upon your blog when I was looking for Advocare tips, I just love it! I look forward to seeing what you have posted. I will be starting my second 24day challenge in a month(have to wait 90 days ) I can wait to do it again! Have the best night at Disney!
Hi Robyn! I love all the Advocare fans that find my blog…it’s like we are all part of this awesome (not so secret) secret haha. I will definitely post an update on the group challenge I am doing soon. Good luck on your second challenge, even though I know you won’t need it….keep me posted on how you do!
I love love love these ideas! I’m not much of a t.v watcher either but I love the show Grimm… le sigh…. if only I could get the Team Umizoomi DVD out of the freaking DVD player long enough so I can watch it :-/. I adore the fact that you guys are going to Disney for a date night! I wish we had something like that out here in Maryland but this weather has been so crazy lately. Since becoming a mom, I’m more of a sweatpants and ponytail kinda girl and it’s GOT TO GO!!! I’m looking into sewing my own clothing again but fabric is so expensive…maybe I can reuse a piece of clothing to make something new……I just squealed with glee!! Thanks for this blog btw, I look forward to reading it. You always have awesome topics
Thank you so much Lauren! Sewing your own clothes? That is impressive and definitely sounds like a nice way to treat yourself to something you enjoy doing. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I appreciate you taking the time to do so
Love this! I’ve been noticing the little things that make me happy lately, & trying to sneak them in more often