Workout Wednesday & Guest post

I’ve been seeing Workout Wednesdays floating around in the blog world (this is probably ancient news, but I’m admittedly late to the Blogging Party).  I am constantly seeking out new inspiration when it comes to working out, especially advice from other busy moms.  I love seeing healthy recipes, workout tips, weekly progress, fitness milestones being hit…it’s all so inspiring to me and gets my butt in gear when I’m starting to feel lazy (like right after I hit publish on this post I am GOING to the gym, even though I really don’t want to today).

Without the internet and women sharing their stories, I would have never met Jenny.  We actually “met” about 8 years ago on of all places.  We were both planning our weddings and sharing every little detail over the internet with other future brides (I guess once you get hit by the social media bug it never goes away).  We have followed one another’s journeys of wedding planning, married life, pregnancy, child rearing, party planning, house decorating, self-employment…come to think of it we enjoy doing a lot of the same things and at the same time even though we live several states away.

I was looking through Instagram one day and saw she was doing the Advocare 24 Day Challenge and was having great success with it.  The  New Year was approaching and I was looking for something different to jump start a healthier me.  I reached out to Jenny and I am so happy I did.  She contacted me a few weeks ago and asked if I would be interested in doing a guest post on her blog sharing the changes I have made over the last 3 months.  OF COURSE!!  If you’d like to read my post as well as check out Jenny’s awesome blog & photography/printing business click on her logo below:

logo_1362112572I also thought I would share a progress photo for the month of March.  Over the past few weeks I haven’t stepped on the scale and I don’t take measurements anymore.  I am happy to have hit my goal weight and now I would like to start working on fitness goals for myself.  Longer and faster runs, toning and weight lifting, trying a new class (The Bar Method?  Pilates?).  I am excited for more challenges ahead!  If anyone has fitness blog suggestions they find inspiring please send them my way.  I would love to put together a list to share!



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    • lauren says

      Thanks Liz!! Guess who was in my head on my run this morning….you!! I made it to 5 miles which I’ve never been able to do before. Thank you for being a running inspiration to me!!!

      • says

        Oh, that makes me feel so good! Hooray! Yesterday I didn’t want to run (even 5 miles) and I had to be like, “Look, you just finished a half marathon. 5 is nothing!”

        But seriously, looking at your pictures is inspiration to me! You look so toned!

    • lauren says

      Thanks for having me Jenny!!! You are hardcore with this bootcamp stuff…I’m sure you’re looking great as always!!

      Let me know what you think of the hummus chicken!!

  1. says

    Dude! Look at those arms! I need to get in gear. Motivation, except seeing you and wishing it would just magically happen to me (ha!), is seriously lacking.

    • lauren says

      Two words: you’re pregnant!! :P. I actually tried to workout with Shane’s pregnancy to try to bounce right back. As you can see by my “before” that plan didn’t work lol. I hope you’re feeling great. You need a blog because I need to see baby bump photos!!

  2. Kandice says

    After completing the 24 day challenge, did you just continue your workouts and healthy diet plan or are you still taking supplements? if so, which ones? Thank you for your time and congratulations on all of your progress!

    • lauren says

      Hi Kandice. I am definitely still taking lots of AdvoCare products, I just don’t feel the same great energy/motivation/recovery without them. I think the better question would be “what don’t I take?” lol. I love Spark, Catalyst, MNS 3, ALL of the Performance Elite products and even adore their SYS skincare line. It’s great just to keep trying different ones and seeing which you like best. Keep up the great work!!

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