Workout Wednesday {setting goals}

On Monday I stumbled across a Facebook friend’s fitness blog.  1- she looks INCREDIBLE (and recently had a baby) and 2-she is a fitness instructor and challenged her readers/clients to set a goal for themselves…a huge goal, something out of their comfort zone, and make it happen!  It made me think for a second, and then I let it sit in the back of my head for the rest of the day since I wasn’t quite sure if I had any one specific goal in mind.

Later that same day I received an e-mail from one of my best friends from college telling me of the marathon she is running in London in 2 weeks.  I was actually a little emotional thinking about how proud I was of her.  It sparked a second discussion with another one of my college besties about some of her recent fitness achievements….running half marathons, doing a 150 mile bike race next month, signing up to do Tough Mudder.  I always knew my Syracuse girls were some of the strongest women I have ever known, but they were now taking it to a whole new level!  After a few messages back and forth my girlfriend, with no hesitation, said….Let’s do a marathon together in 2015!!  I was looking for a huge goal, and I’m pretty sure she just set it for me….”I’M IN!” I wrote back.  October 2015 Chicago marathon anyone??

It’s going to be a slow journey getting there, but I’m up for the challenge.  3 months ago I was hyperventilating trying to run a mile straight, now every run is between 3-5 miles and I actually enjoy it.  5k in May, 10k in June, Half Marathon in the Fall perhaps?  I truly believe I need something like this…something to work towards that is all my own.

Do any of you use the Map My Run app?  It tracks your runs via GPS, tracks your overall time, pace per mile, elevation changes and so much more.  Most importantly you can still play your itunes music playlists at the same time.  If you use it please add me as a friend….LaurenH451.  I’m all about accountability and I can’t think of any better motivation than sharing my progress and seeing yours as well.  I know some of you are avid runners, that I look up to, and would love to follow in your footsteps (or at least be able to see those footsteps in action!).

In looking at different training schedules they all seem to recommend 3-5 mile runs during the week, and then doing longer runs on the weekends that increase by 1 mile per week.  Sounds like a good place to start to me!   Here is my run from yesterday evening.

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I’m excited to use this as my starting point and see how far I can push myself…hopefully to the tune of 26.2 miles. Man that sounds scary, but I’ve got some time and I’m ready to accomplish some short term goals first.  What are some of your fitness goals, both big and small?  To start walking once the weather is warmer?  Try a new class at the gym? Run in a race?  Start a new workout DVD?  I’d love to hear them if you are open to sharing.  I’d also love any running advice, especially from distance runners!  On your marks, get set, go!

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    • lauren says

      That’s what I say…a marathon? That’s why we have given ourselves over 2 years to get there lol. I’m excited for the in between challenges though! Map my Run is would be even cooler if it actually made you run longer/faster ;)

  1. says

    You’re such a rock star. Good for you! I signed up for a half marathon years ago with a friend to push myself to learn to and love running and then killed my knee in the process and now can barely run around the base paths. I even saw an ortho who said to just start training over and slowly but it was never the same. Soooo word from the unwise… even on a day that the world is right, don’t go off your training plan and run extra long. I went from 3 mi to 6-7 miles suddenly and there went my knee. I wish I was motivated enough to get back to a doctor and see what I can do to get it back but I never loved running (except that one day – ha!). I do love the idea of setting goals and achieving them. Maybe I will (continue) to be inspired by your weight loss and toning/exercise journey enough to make a change. So excited for you!!

    • lauren says

      Thank you Kara that is actually awesome advice. I think my main concern is running injuries! I already have bad ankles and they really take a beating even on a 4 mile route so I’m not sure how to strengthen them for longer runs. I’m sorry that happened to you…it’s so frustrating when mentally and endurance wise you can keep up, but your body is holding you back. I hope in time you can get back to enjoying running without your knee hurting you!

  2. says

    So impressed! My goal is to run a 15k this year…and if I can do that then I will do a half. The bad news is I stopped running over Christmas and just started back again last week. Have to get motivated!

    • lauren says

      A 15k is awesome…and thank you for reminding me that I can do that between a 10k and a half :). Awesome you have picked running back up. There is nothing better than being outdoors, running alone with your music blasting. Keep up the good work mama!

    • lauren says

      Thanks for all your motivation!!! I’ve totally been bitten by the running bug. Seeing your daily 7 mile + Map My Run workouts is going to get my butt in gear and I love it!! You rock!!

  3. Tracey McGrath says

    Hey Lauren! Good on you for setting such a fantastic goal! I must say I’ve had a lot of injuries since I started running in 2009. I would definitely recommend a good strength & stretching program (Pilates is great). Cross training is also a must. I cycle a couple of times a week. Swimming is great as well. I’ve found applying ice to injuries really helps too!

  4. says

    I originally found you through instagram, and now I’m loving keeping up with your exercise and weight loss here on your blog. So inspiring! I’ve recently starting adding running (only short distances) to my usual workout of spin or weights. I did my third outside run today and my first with Map My Run – and I just added you as a friend! Thanks for the motivation!

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