Bye Bye Summer Time

If you live in Southern California you know that’s the furthest thing from the truth….did you see 100 degrees this weekend?  It’s that time of year that the rest of the country is lining up their boots, getting their sweaters ready, lighting Fall scented candles, and putting up their corn husks, pumpkins and leaf wreaths.  Us?  Well, we get to sweat while standing in line for our Pumpkin Spiced Lattes.

However we do have one thing in common with everyone else this time of year, and that’s that our kids go back to school!  I loved our Summer, and if it were up to me I would hog my boys to myself year round if I could get away with it….but alas, it was time to let one of them go.  I originally registered Nathan for Kindergarten, but as you know, we just recently celebrated his 5th Birthday and it just seemed like it was best to wait another year.  While I think he would have done great, I think he will do better next year.

We are trying a new school out for him three days a week, and if we love it as much as I think we will, Shane will be going here next year.   It’s a Montessori school which is not what we were doing previously, so I am so curious to see if he thrives in this kind of environment.  If you don’t know, they do mixed age classrooms so Nathan is in the 3-5 year old class making him one of the oldest.  It’s an interesting dynamic and I think he will enjoy taking on the role of a leader while also learning to be patient and gentle with the younger children.  We love his teacher Ms. Lisa and I just get such a sense of nurturing, calmness, and creativity when I walk into his classroom.  I can’t put my finger on it, but I just know he’s in the right place.

Nathan Montessori

We are very excited for this school year and I am looking forward to sharing some of the fun things that Nathan will be learning along the way.  I realized I didn’t do the same survey I did last year for his 5th Birthday, so we are going to call this the 5 year old Back to School Survey.  I remember doing this exact questionnaire last year and it took him so long to answer each question…this time it took 2 minutes and he was very confidant in all of his answers.  I still think he had a lot of the same responses too which I found interesting.  Like his love for corn haha.

5 year survey

We are so proud of you Nathan and know this year will be filled with fun, learning, adventures and new friendships.  Big giant hugs to you on your first week back to school, we love you so much!

Nathan Montessori 2Nathan Montessori 3

* On a side note-with all those fun back to school germs, what do you all do to keep your kids healthy?  I have been looking into essential oils and was wondering if anyone has had any noticeable success with them?  Would love to hear your thoughts!

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  1. Kara says

    SUCH a handsome guy! Oh man. And loved his answers – so sweet and honest. Love these kids!!

    And what great pictures – great memories right there.

    (oh and I’m selfishly glad you explained about the pre-K sign because I totally thought he was starting Kindergarten this year and was kinda confused – it’s gonna be a great year!)

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