Workout Wednesday


Well it's the time of the week again, to hold myself accountable for my workouts, or my lack there of.  Last week was good, I got in two Turbo kickboxing classes and a couple of long runs.  Then this past weekend happened...Greg got super sick with some random flu-like stomach virus and it knocked him out cold.  Friday and Saturday were a total wash with him being stuck in bed all day, so I wasn't ... [ Read More ]

Stella & Dot Giveaway {Gilded Arrow Bangle}

Stella & Dot

So last weekend I mentioned that I hosted my first Stella & Dot party!  It was such a fun way to have all my girlfriends over for some appetizers, cocktails and some bling!  All of our orders started flooding in this past week, and if my friends weren't already huge fans of the company, they are now!  I had a box delivered on Saturday and it totally made my day digging into all that beautiful ... [ Read More ]

Workout Wednesday {Advocare update}

24 day challenge results

It's been awhile since I have written about my progress using Advocare products.  Since I first started the 24 Day Challenge back in January, I have had a lot of people give it a try along side me.  It's been awesome seeing everyone's progress, sharing recipes and workouts, and just motivating each other along the way.   I often get asked "so, what do you do after the 24 days is over?" and I ... [ Read More ]

Weekend Recap & Phone photo dump


Is it really already Tuesday?  What a fun last 4 days we had around here!  I'm spent!!  I have a camera full of photos to edit, but zero motivation to actually do so.  For now, here is an update from our weekend with a whole bunch of iPhone photos. Friday we went to Tanaka Farms with some friends and did a tractor tour and strawberry picking.  The kids had an awesome time eating freshly picked ... [ Read More ]

Did Daddy Kiss Me?

photo (13)

Every morning before Greg leaves to work he does his round of kisses and says his "I Love You"s.  Since both our boys are early risers we are normally all awake to say bye to Daddy at his 7:00am departure.  On the rare occasion Nathan sleeps in, or Greg needs to leave to work early, we always have a bit of an issue on our hands if Nathan doesn't get a kiss from his dad.  Usually our mornings will ... [ Read More ]

DIY Behavior Chart {to help keep Mommy in check too}

Behavior Chart

While looking through Pinterest last night I came across this behavior chart.  It really stood out to me as something that I thought could work well with Nathan.  Lately I have been trying to come up with a solution for his constant request for things....Mommy, after school can we go to the mall and get a Lego Police Station?  Mommy, after we go to your store we can go to my store and I'll get ice ... [ Read More ]